english - deutsch 

Gesellschaft zur Unterstützung der Rechte afgh. Frauen und Kinder (Association Supporting the Rights of Afghan Women and Children)



(1) The association is supposed to make a contribution to Afghanistan’s rebuilding. In the centre of our attention are the Afghan women and children. Our uppermost principle is to help the people to help themselves. The association is supposed to help that Afghan women and children, who suffered, and are still suffering from violence, war, destruction, looting, killing, rape, reprisal as well as suppression and becoming orphans during the last decades, get support to cope with their traumatic experiences.

(2) The association is active for the public welfare regarding the “Bundesabgabenordnung” (tax code) and is therefore not profit minded. The association believes in the principles of voluntary participation, democracy, fundamental rights, human rights, the UNO-Convention on the Rights of the Child, transparency and non-party and interdenominational principles. In this spirit the association is supposed to inform of the rights of women and children in Islam and counteract misuse of religion.

(3) The association takes care to raise the self-confidence and level of education of the Afghan women, thereby to improve their legal and social situation as well as to help them use their rights.

(4) The association is supposed to contribute, that Afghan women and children in particular difficult positions in life get help. In addition the association is supposed to develop plans with the concerned women for the solution of their individual situation in life and path through life. In the centre of our attention are women’s fundamental rights and the right of self-determination. A fundamental aim of all our measures and initiatives are equal rights for women and men in economy, politics and society.

(5) The association is supposed to start initiatives to encourage people of different origins to meet each other. By getting to know each other, dialogues and exchange of views, integration in all directions is made possible and encouraged. All these aims are to be reached by means of:

Projects, seminars, excursions and courses

Introduction of compulsory school attendance for Afghan children

Building and foundation of schools, in particular of girl’s schools

Education to maintain peace to lay the foundations for lasting peace in and stabilisation of Afghanistan

Bringing together women of different ethnic, politic and social backgrounds

Psychological, psychotherapeutic as well as psychiatric consultation, care and help for Afghan women and children with a traumatic experience

Arrangement of psychological help

Pedagogical care, consultation and attendance for women and children

Legal care and consultation

Socio-cultural activities

Building of Centres for Mothers and Children in Afghanistan, especially for family planning, education, public health, obstetrics, gynaecology and family counselling

Literacy classes for women

Events, meetings, feasts

Publications, magazines, newspapers, brochures

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